

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It is official

Well... it is official. We are having number four, and it is going to be a little girl. We are all excited! So that is the main reason for my gardening slacking lately. It kinda slows me down. But things are good here. I do, however have an interest in learning skills that will make our family more self sufficient. Some things I am interested, done some homework but have not yet tried are: soapmaking, making homemade lotion ( there were rave reviews on that one) making homemade yogurt and cheese to name a few. At this point, I am just too tired to do more than look into it and send myself links for when I am able to retrieve my own energy back and try a few of these.


  1. Congrats!!! That's exciting news. You know for some reason I had a feeling at the Christmas dinner that you were pregnant but since you really don't look pregnant I wasn't about to ask ;) Please Please Please let me know if there is anything you would like some help with I would love to lend a hand.

  2. Yea! Congrats!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! When are you do? Let me know when you're up to getting together again. I'd love to see you!


Blooms in late May( Bugle Weed)

My Hubby's Hobby



Spearmint, from the ditches of Grandpa's old farm( heirloom)

Spearmint, from the ditches of Grandpa's old farm( heirloom)


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